Frontend Web Development


About this learning track

The process of creating and implementing the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) for online and mobile apps is referred to as Frontend Development. This area of development is concerned with producing aesthetically beautiful, engaging, and user-friendly designs that meet end-user requirements. To create user-friendly and captivating interfaces, Frontend Developers will use frameworks and libraries like React together with programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To achieve smooth interaction between the user interface and the underlying application logic, these developers collaborate closely with Product Designers and Backend Developers.

What you will learn

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: You'll master the fundamental building blocks of web development.
  • Responsive Design: Learn to create web applications that adapt to various screen sizes and devices.
  • UI Frameworks: Explore popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue for efficient front-end development.
  • User Experience (UX): Understand how to design user-friendly interfaces for a great user experience.
  • Web Performance: Optimise web applications for speed and responsiveness.


  • A working laptop
  • Steady internet access
  • A working mobile phone
  • A learning attitude


Develop cutting-edge user interfaces with the latest frontend technologies.

Week 1 - Introduction to Programming

This lesson will cover the introduction to programming and its basic concepts. You will be eased into understanding what programming is and how to start programming using javascript before you begin programming.

At the end of this week, you will explain what programming is all about with ease to the next person.

Week 2 - Git and Version Control

This week, we will introduce you to version control and collaboration tools like Git and GitHub. This will give you fundamental knowledge about the Git and Git Environment. You will also learn step by step on saving code on git repositories and other git commands that come in handy during development.

At the end of this week, you should be acquainted with Git, have a fundamental understanding of all it offers, and gain the confidence to try it out. You would also be expected to understand and implement a typical git cycle from initialization to pushing the code to a repository, have many git commands in your arsenal, and know when best to use each command.

Week 3 - JavaScript Fundamentals I

JavaScript is the lingua franca of the Web, but before using it to create dynamic websites, you need to understand how it works. In this course, you will explore the syntax behind the JavaScript language. You will learn how to "speak" JavaScript by gaining an understanding of variables, types, objects, arrays, operators, control structures, loops, and functions through a series of hands-on examples that put these ideas into action.

At the end of this week, you should grasp the core syntax of JavaScript and how this scripting language works to build robust and complex functionality on the Web.

Week 4 - Object Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a style of programming that focuses on using objects to design and build applications. In this lesson, you will learn about the concept and the principles of OOP. You will also learn about Object- Oriented Analysis and Design and the process of OO analysis and Design and get a feel of how it is done practically.

At the end of this week, you will have learnt how to define a class and its members and instantiate an object out of the class.

Week 5 - HTML and CSS

HTML is a simple, elegant way to structure content on a webpage, and CSS exists to style HTML, to beautify content. This course provides a brief look at the essentials of HTML and CSS. It reviews the structure of a typical HTML document and shows how to section pages and format your content with HTML. CSS is briefly explained on a fundamental level as a way to style/beautify your HTML content.

This week will cover the following fundamentals of HTML:

• What is the Web, and how is it Accessed?

• How websites are created

• What is HTML?

• What are HTML elements/tags

• Identify the parts that make up an HTML tag.

• Determine when to use specific HTML tags.

• Correctly structure nested HTML content.

• Decide between a variety of text editors for writing code.

• What is HTML Semantics?

We will also cover the following:

• What is CSS?

• How to apply CSS to HTM content.

• Structure of CSS.

• CSS Box Model.

• Selectors.

• Specificity.

• Test styles by manipulating CSS properties.

• Use keyboard shortcuts to write code faster.

• Use code editor extensions to improve workflow and write code more efficienty.

At the end of the week, you should be able to create meaningful markup that makes up the structure of a webpage and understand the parts of an HTML element. You should also understand how to apply CSS styles to your HTML elements and know the basics needed to start styling with CSS .

Learnable was the foundation of my career. It exposed me to the realities of being a software engineer, and equipped me with the right tools to succeed in the field.

Joshua Adegoke

Joshua Adegoke

Path Lead